Monday, September 24, 2007

Where’s my Army dude??

Six months in isolation and I walk into a different world to find that almost all the “ happening” things were not so happening anymore. Being trained at an army establishment we were prohibited from accessing internet by our seniors..Never thought I would find myself in a vacuum six months later. Army at all times should keep it’s troops updated about latest developments and technologies. As for Indian army and specially the officer’s cadre the training is equivalent to what is taught a 5th grader in schools. Going a little deeper I would like to talk about map reading and navigation with GPS. We rely completely on American satellites. The green and maroon berets would know how much one relies on this technology during exercises and operations. Indian army need to allocate separate funds for development of satellites that aid navigation. Being trained on American satellite based GPS is a complete waste of resources. In War time these systems would be made inaccessible leading to mission failures. Indian soldiers are best trained in compass and map based navigation. So all those in training take extra and sincere effort in learning map reading. Blogging after a long time, so just few liners to get into the rhythm!! Will add more in days to come…

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