Friday, February 23, 2007

Ramayana in today’s world.

Now before I write this article let me clearly state I don’t intend to offend any community here.

We let’s try to imagine Ramayana taking place in today’s world. Before anything would have started rama’s father would have been imprisoned for having more than wife (Hindu marriage act) about the “svyamvar” I’m sure ram would have had tough competition from Maj. Rathore (Olympic medalists).then comes the vanvas which I’m sure who wouldn’t have mind either as with wide network coverage all over, it wouldn’t have been a problem living out there. Moreover we all know that’s where the money is!.i’m sure he could have gone for 14 days but 14 years is impossible( permission from forest department). Now comes the important part “The Sita haran”. Now no one could have fooled ram’s death as sita or laxman could have just called or messaged ram to check up on him. Ravan couldn’t have killed “ garuda” as it would have irked Peta activists and definetly invited a imprisonment stint with salman khan. Then to track sita’s location Ram could have either used Google earth or could have sent a unmanned reconcile plane to the job..This way he wouldn’t have to risk hanuman’s life. now the flight to lanka could have been arial, considering the fact websites like and offer cheapest like the story goes rama would have bombarded lanka but only after having sita airlifted by his elite commandos led by hanuman. As for hanuman proving his love for Ram by tearing apart his chest, i’m afraid this edition will not include this part as it can have a bad effect on youngsters who usually go out of their way to prove their love. For ravan’s ten heads i’m sure his body would have been demanded by top scientists for research.
Then comes the end where all’s fine, back at home but ram refuses to accept Sita. I’m sure Women activists would have made him change his mind without any conditions ;-)

1 comment:

Eagle said...

Funny.. :)
To continue ur modern Ramayan, How could you forget, Sita filing for divorce and slashing Rama with hefty alimony charges for support of her and her two children (Luv & Kush) when he aborts her during her pregnancy! :)