Sunday, October 07, 2007


What would you tell a father who has lost both his sons, one due to high fever and improper medical care and the other one in a road accident.I stood stumped as he cried holding my hands telling me how after his retirement he has all the time to bless but no kids!
It was couple of days back,as i was waiting for the bus to bangalore my neigbhour came upto me to inquire about my well being. his son was working in a call center and on the day his fate betrayed his destiny he was drunk beyond permissible limits. he was over speeding when he lost control and crashed into a truck killing him on spot. only if he could have had less drinks and not decided to display his heroics his father wouldn't have been made to go through this ordeal that would haunt him all his life. His parents will suffer in silence for no fault of theirs all for their decision to let their sons be independent and enjoy their lives. years of dreams and expectations come down crashing with every peg of alcohol.
This was not destiny it was a pure case of ignorance ,of his parents, his duties and his own life.please do not make your parents go through this. drink responsibly and do not drive under influence of alcohol.
You all owe it to your Parents!!

1 comment:

Vinitha said...

This is for all you people out there who think it's cool to drink and drive !!