Monday, May 02, 2011

When i MET Vampire

Sitting in Curlies , sipping on KINGS and relishing Prawn curry rice , i met the Vampire.Yes, the one all of us have grown up seeing in hollywood movies.Dressed in Goan shorts and proudly displaying his little paunch , he seemed no less than a ordinary man. My curiousity got better of me and i walked up to him and introduced myself.Realizing i had kept my friends waiting , we exchanged our e mail ids. i recently sent him an email. This is his reply :

Dear Niranth,

What's your blood group like? Kidding :)
Dude, really! i have moved on.Well, you need not be formal, i encounter similar questions very often.I hope thise mail would answer most of your questions. Yes, it's true i have stopped attacking humans and drinking thier blood. Now, i don't need to.I have become omnipresent.Some call me Management and some Clients, some Just managers and some prefer Team leads.I'm very happy here. I get official authorization to suck blood out of people without them realizing.Of course , I pay them peanuts , but dude who would mind it. have you ever tried buying blood from a bank? Moreover i get them to work and overwork at odd hours and holidays.If this was not good enough , i get paid for this by my masters and when i do a very pleasing job of it , i manage a bonus.
This should explain why bollywood doesn't make movies on me.You guys have got sick of me.
Anyways i got to go now.Catching up with some friends at Tito's.

Lots's of blood

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