Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Russell peters in Bangalore

Okk..i’m back after a short break from the systems of my life. Spent some time lazin around and introspecting.Also had been to see, laugh and see getting people insulted by the “funniest man in the world”-Russell Peters.
I will not write the details of his show but take the opportunity to write about what I learnt from this show.
My biggest learning was humour is nothing but making people laugh at themselves. and the easiest way to sell a showIs to target a specific person and let everyone have fun at his cost. Russell peters is a very smart businessman who does nothing butCross sell these jokes while traveling all over the globe. Undoubtedly he’s very spontaneous and doesn’t spare the smallest opportunityTo take someone’s trip.I also admire his observational skills as his jokes have a strong local flavor and a deep meaning to ponder on for a very long time.
For all those who have missed out, there’s a always a next time.
Till then, like Russell says “ Be Cheap and Download”

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